Here Are The Five Most Important Fitness Trends Of 2017
Julian Galinski
2017-04-19 17:19:25
1. Community matters – online and offline
In cities across Europe, people are coming together in outdoor training classes, running groups and boot camps .The community factor is growing and growing. In social groups and for individual trainers too. Giants like Freeletics have shown us how it’s done: With a swipe on their smart phone, every athlete is immediately connected to their digital network. Here they can get tips and tricks, but above all they get mutual motivation.
2. The device market is becoming both more specialized and more diverse
The innovations in the area of training devices in detail: Bulgarian bags and battle ropes have already established themselves a place in advanced gyms, while further generations of tubes, poles and rolls which are constantly better than the previous model and the competition push onto the market.
3. There are nutritional supplements for every target group
Protein powder has become socially acceptable. The industry never gets tired, new and more promising powders are always thrown on the market – along with the juicers and detoxers of this world, they have opened up completely new, and often wealthy target groups. In the meantime, nutritional supplements can be found in every drug store for every diet: Pre-, during, and post-workout, for any mealtime and before bedtime too. That is at least the business model. But in the end, it’s not crucial for training success.
4. Smart gadgets give live feedback
4. Smart gadgets give live feedback
Training on an app – or even better: following a training plan – is of course nothing new. In its basic function, it is also works quite simply over the smartphone camera: The app analyses movement patterns and can optimize these with tips and support. While no algorithm can successfully replace a well trained trainer, the digital products are getting ever closer.
5. EMS training is becoming smaller and more practical by the day
Whether, and to what extent, it is actually sport to send electrical currents through your body, can obviously be discussed. In any case, those who believe the end justifies the means receive an effective muscle growth and strengthening program with little time investment thanks to EMS training .