Area Athletes Compete In Worldwide CF Open

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Area Athletes Compete In Worldwide CF Open

2017-04-18 16:30:33

  A group of women athletes from around the area took to Bear Barbell in Indian River to compete against other athletes worldwide in the CF Open . The open is a series of five workouts across five weeks .
  For the first week of the competition, the athletes needed to do a series of dumbbell snatches, followed by burpee box jump overs. This was repeated five times, with 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 dumbbell snatches, with 15 jump overs each time. Women athletes used a 35-pound dumbbell and a 20-inch box. Men used a 50-pound dumbbell and a 24-inch box, with a 20 minute time cap.
  The goal of week two was to complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of two rounds of 50 feet weighted walking lunges, 16 toes-to-bars and eight power cleans. Then the athletes needed to do 50 feet weighted walking lunges, 16 bar muscle ups and eight power cleans. They would also alternate between the toes-to-bars and bar muscle ups every two rounds.
  Week three had the athletes completing three rounds of six chest to bar pull ups and six squat snatches before the eight minute mark, then three rounds of seven chest to bar pull ups and five squat snatches of additional weight. The number of pull ups increased, as did the weight of the squat snatches for before the 16 minute mark, the 20 minute mark and 24 minute mark. If all reps were completed, the time cap was extended by four minutes.

  For week four, the athletes needed to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of 55 deadlifts of a certain weight, 55 wall-ball shots of a certain weight ball at a target, 55 calorie row and 55 handstand pushups.
  The workout for week five was 10 rounds of time of nine thrusters weighing 65 pounds which they had to pick up above their heads, and 35 double-unders with their jump ropes.
  Final Around 10-12 athletes from Cheboygan, Charlevoix, Otsego and Emmet Counties turned out to Bear Barbell to compete in the last competition.