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One action detects whether your squat is standard

2023-08-08 10:48:27

Squats are a very common exercise that works our thighs, glutes, and core. However, many people do not pay attention to the correctness of the movement when performing squats, resulting in failure to achieve the desired effect, and may even cause sports injuries. So, is there an easy way to check if our squats are up to par?


The answer is yes. There is a movement called "wall squat" that can help us detect the correctness of squatting. This move is very simple and requires only a wall and some space to perform.


(power squat rack ​manufacturer china)

To start, stand about 15-20 cm away from a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, place your hands straight in front of your chest, with your palms against the wall. Next, slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. As you squat, make sure your heels stay in contact with the ground while keeping your back straight and not arching your waist. Finally, slowly stand up and return to the starting position.


Through this action, we can detect several key points of the squat. First of all, the contact between the heel and the ground is very important, it can help us maintain balance and reduce the pressure on the knee. If the heels leave the ground or the toes deviate inward or outward during the squat, then there is a problem with our squat posture.


Secondly, the straightness of the back is also very critical. If our back is bent or the waist is excessively bent during the squat, it means that our squat posture is not correct. The correct posture should be to keep the back straight and keep the natural curve.


Finally, the fact that the thighs are parallel to the ground is also an important indicator. (squat rack accessories supplier china) If our thighs are not parallel to the ground during the squat, it means that our squat action is not deep enough. The squat works best when the thighs are parallel to the ground, which can better exercise our thighs and buttocks muscles.


With this simple action, we can detect the correctness of the squat. If our squat action is not standard, then we can improve it by adjusting our posture and strengthening training. At the same time, we must also pay attention to keeping our breathing steady when performing squats, and do not use excessive force to avoid sports injuries.


In conclusion, the squat is a very effective exercise, but proper form is very important. Through the simple action of squatting on the wall, we can detect the correctness of the squat, and adjust and improve it in time. I hope that everyone can pay attention to the correctness of the movement when performing squats, so as to achieve better exercise results.